“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
In the metaphysical world something you hear discussed frequently is energy; how to move it, how to protect it and why. In the Physics world energy comes in many different forms, kinetic energy, potential energy, heat energy , chemical energy, nuclear energy, just to name a few, all forms of energy are associated with movement or the potential for movement. Energy may take all different shapes and forms but it is agreed "that energy cannot be created or destroyed", this is known as the Law of Conservation of Energy. Energy can be transformed into something new, the way the sun coaxes a seed out of the soil and into a flower. Energy can be exchanged, the way the atmosphere and the Ocean interchange CO2 in a cyclic mutually beneficial relationship. It can be transferred, it can be transmuted, but it cannot be destroyed. In the spiritual realm we talk about energy as the soul that animates us, the life force that drives all vibrational matter, the energy that binds us. Some believe the soul transcends never to return and others believe we are reborn into our karmic patterns until they are conquered. Be it a rock, a tree, an animal, or a human being; through energy we are bound in our shared experience of this reality.
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Image Courtesy of The Heart Math Institute "Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you." Oprah Winfrey |
Courtesy of The Global Consciousness Project Princeton University |
The Schumann Resonance has been called "the earth's heart beat." One of the earth's frequency's can be measured at 7.83 Hz. 7.83 Hz is also known to be associated with higher levels of theta brain waves and the meditative state. Physically connecting with surface of the Earth has proven to be essential for the regulation of the bodies biological clock and hormone levels says an environmental medicine study found done by NCBI. Digging our feet into the richness of the earth's energy neutralizes free radicals and stabilizes the electrical environment of the cells in the body. Our ancestors called this technique grounding. Grounding is an important part of a meditative practice, grounding brings awareness to the body, turns the focus inward, and centers the energy. When we meditate with intention we can redirect our energy to meet our desired outcome.
In 1993 over 4,000 meditation practitioners from 82 countries made a pilgrimage to Washington DC, one of the most crime riddled districts in the US, with the intention of lowering crime rates. Every day for 6 weeks these practitioners gathered to meditate for 2.5 hours, holding the intention of peace. The violent crime rates were 23% lower than what was predicted during those 6 weeks of mass meditation, this study has been repeated in other high crime and violence area's around the world. Meditation is scientifically proven to reduce, stress, heart rate, blood pressure, the stress hormone Coritsol, and improve cognitive function meditation study NCBI. When we meditate or set an intention we are directing our energy towards the said intention. When we meditate and use grounding techniques throughout the day we are instructing our hearts and bodies to be in a relaxed state, which in result affects the pulse of our EM field. The condition of our energetic bodies effects the health of our physical bodies, it effects the efficiency in how we think and how create, it creates a ripple affect touching all of those around us. When we live our lives focused on the health of energy we strengthen the relationship between our minds and our bodies, we heighten our awareness of the energy around us, and we set the stage to intentionally direct our energy into creating the world we yearn for.
"The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire."
Ferdinand Foch
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